Self-reflection and useful feedback

The SHAPE project has revealed the value of transnational cooperation on developing sustainable heritage areas. The Learning Journeys have provided valuable input not only on sustainable tourism, but on regional development as such.

By: Wanda Girard-Prudon, WRB director –  Wester Ross Biosphere

The Wester Ross Learning Journey provided an opportunity to come together as an organisation and reflect about the project we are in the process of delivering. The day-to-day business makes it hard to get this distance and to properly look at what everybody is doing in their own corner, which is enhanced by our situation as scattered community members.

This allowed self-reflection time is complemented by exchanges with our Nordic partners who give us useful feedback, ideas and inspiration. It is also very reassuring as a young Biosphere which struggles with many issues to understand that we are not alone in this case and that our project is on the right track, encouraging us to keep going despite challenges. Learning journeys actively contribute to transnational partnerships and European collaboration which are more than necessary in the current Eurosceptic context.

Learning Ffom the locals. Photo: Diana Valero.

SHAPE is a three-year Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme (NPA) project promoting the development of ecotourism initiatives. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter.