Coastal clean-up 4. May 2019, Snæfellsnes regional park

Snæfellsnes regional park in cooperation with Snæfellsnes ecocertification organised coastal clean-up at four beaches across the peninsula.

The inhabitants of Snæfellsnes like to keep their surroundings tidy, which is why a coastal cleanup of the entire peninsula was organised on the 4th of May. This was also part of a Nordic clean up day across the Nordic countries. Groups of volunteers from all the communities took part at four different locations.

Although it is often possible to find good things that drift onto the beaches (such as driftwood), there was also a lot of bad things (mostly plastic) that is of no use, pollutes and creates a danger to birds and others organisms.

Most of the beach clean-up consisted of plastic such as bottles, ropes and fish nets and plastic broken down to small pieces.

The benefits of beach clean-up are multifaceted: pure beautiful beaches that residents and visitors can enjoy, less pollution that has an adverse effect on all inhabitants – human beings and other, and at the same time this is a fun way to get to know one´s own environment better.

This coastal clean-up leaves one with the though how we can prevent all this stuff from being found on our shore? Can we sort our garbage better? Reduced the amount of garbage? Can we avoid buying plastic and packaging? What can we do as individuals, companies, and communities?

Coastal clean-up